4 steps to write a clear job description to attract the most candidates

When searching for a job, candidates are keeping their eyes peeled for openings of interest and reading over job descriptions quickly to find out if a job interests them or not. Knowing this, it’s understood that employers only have a few moments to catch a candidate’s interest and make their offer stand out from the competition.

Here are the most important places to focus your efforts when creating a post to garner the most attention from candidates.

1. The title of the post

Choose a title that is representative of your industry. Search engines look for keywords, so including these keywords is the best way for candidates to find your post. Don’t get creative in this area: no candidate will be searching for your “sales ninja” or “marketing guru” post. Candidates entering search terms or signing up for email alerts about job offers use plain and simple keywords like “sales representative” or “marketing specialist.” You can also add relevant abbreviations if the post requires a particular certification, for example PMP, Java, CPA, etc.

We recommend that you indicate the job title in both masculine and feminine to maximize the visibility of your offer in the search results (french only).

2. Description of the job

Avoid starting your description with a summary of your business: candidates would rather know about the job being offered, what the main tasks are and what’s required of candidates.

Your description must be clear and easy to understand, so stick to the essentials: the tasks and responsibilities, as well as the qualifications and experience required.

Try to stay away from long lists and dense paragraphs. The description shouldn’t be more than one third of the total text, or between 75 – 100 words. Be clear about the essential skills and those that are considered nice to have. Be sure to use relevant keywords so candidate searches return your post in the top results.

Keep in mind that many candidates will be reading your post on a mobile device, so clear and concise wording is essential.

3. Benefits

Now is the time to ‘hook’ potential candidates by describing in detail the benefits offered by your organization. Candidates will be more likely to respond if the details about your offer are easily comparable to others. If you have benefits that are above average in your industry, it’s time to trumpet them! Whether in terms of generous salary, bonuses, flexible hours or training opportunities, make a concise list that is easy for candidates to absorb.

An increasing number of search engines including Google prioritize showing job offers that include a salary. If you’d rather keep this information confidential, you can simply add a salary range that is comparable to the market for your industry.

4. Description of your company

By default, Jobboom job postings include the summary of your business at the bottom of the description of the position being offered. Therefore it’s not necessary to repeat this information a second time if your Business Page has been completed. It’s also on your Business Page where you can add the logo of your business and a photo for illustrative purposes.

For more information about your Business Page, click here.

Other information

At the end of your post, you can add information about the selection process, the projected start date for the position, or even the contact information of the hiring manager if they wish to be contacted directly.

In summary:

  1. Keep the title of your post specific to your industry
  2. Not too much, not too little: include only essential and relevant information
  3. Keep what is most attractive about your company and what distinguishes you from competitors
  4. Include the salary for the position and benefits offered by your company
  5. Complete your Jobboom Business Page


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