Spring flowers

Spring – New career beginnings

Spring is a time for renewal and rebirth. The signs of spring are everywhere. Flowers and tree are blooming and the days are longer, brighter and warmer. Our emotions are lifted by the extra light and warmth. We become open to change.

Spring festivals across the globe, celebrate spring or the rise of the vernal equinox, March 21, as a time of new beginnings.

These celebrations are calls to positive acting and thinking. Positive psychology has demonstrated a clear relationship among, optimistic thinking, job satisfaction and health. Optimism can be developed.

Tops for Becoming More Optimistic

Believe in yourself. William James, the father of American psychology, said: “Your belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that ensures the successful outcome of your venture…” When you expect the best, you release a magnetic force in your mind, which by the law of attraction, tends to bring the best to you.

  • Recognize you create your own thoughts and have power to change them. Think and talk about the kind work you want. Use positive statements about such things as enjoying your colleagues, having a supportive boss, and being in control.
  • Concentrate on successes. Prepare a list of personality and work-related accomplishments, or create a collage using pictures that illustrate you succeeding in your ideal work setting. View this daily.
  • Review work accomplishments. Note the role belief and hard work played in achieving successes, and strategies used to accomplish results.
  • Be genuine. Discard preconceived notions of what others think, and recreate the person you are, and want to be! Don’t compare yourself with others. Judge your job accomplishments against personal standards of self-improvements as well as company standards. Strive for excellence rather than perfection. Ask your supervisor for feedback and support.
  • Break the worry habit. Empty your mind of worrisome thoughts about your job before sleeping to avoid retention of these thoughts in your subconscious. Picture the troublesome thoughts flowing out of your mind like water flowing from a basin.
  • Forgive. Forgiveness is pardoning without harboring resentment. Release an old hurt about a colleague who started a malicious rumor about you. You don’t have to befriend the individual, but you must release negative emotions associated with that person. When you hold onto pain, you’re allowing that person’s actions to continue to hurt you.
  • Define a clear career goal, and expect success. Be motivated by desire and goal attainment. When you arise in the morning, review this goal. Take one forward action step. Reward yourself for attaining this.
  • Spring clean work space. Remove clutter. Add a plant or flowers for beauty and energy boost.
  • Remember, spring is about new beginnings and cultivating optimism. Use this time to create and pursue the job and lifestyle you want!


Questers Dare to Change Your Job and Life, offers inspiration, insight, and practical strategies to create your desired career and life.

Dr. Carole Kanchier, career and personal growth expert, is author of the award-winning, groundbreaking book, Questers Dare to Change Your Job and Life. A registered psychologist, coach, speaker, and columnist, Carole Kanchier practices in Calgary: www.questersdaretochange.com