
General manager - financial, communications and other business services

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    General manager - financial, communications and other business services


    General manager - financial, communications and other business services


    Cadres supérieurs / Haute direction
    Référence : 40794616
    Publié il y a 11 jour(s) | Toujours ouvert
    Permanent Temps plein Aussitôt que possible

    Description du poste

    - Education: Bachelor's degree

    - Experience: 5 years or more

    Tasks- Allocate material, human and financial resources to implement organizational policies and programs
    - Authorize and organize the establishment of major departments and associated senior staff positions
    - Establish objectives for the organization and formulate or approve policies and programs
    - Represent the organization, or delegate representatives to act on behalf of the organization, in negotiations or other official functions
    - Select middle managers, directors or other executive staff; delegate the necessary authority to them and create optimum working conditions
    - Conduct performance reviews
    - Establish financial and administrative controls; formulate and approve promotional campaigns; and approve overall human resources planning
    Computer and technology knowledge- MS Access
    - MS Excel
    - MS Office
    - MS PowerPoint
    - MS Word
    Security and safety- Criminal record check
    Work conditions and physical capabilities- Work under pressure
    - Attention to detail
    Personal suitability- Efficient interpersonal skills
    - Excellent oral communication
    - Excellent written communication
    - Judgement
    - Organized
    Screening questions- Are you currently legally able to work in Canada?
    - Are you willing to relocate for this position?
    - Do you have previous experience in this field of employment?
    - What is the highest level of study you have completed?

    - Work Term: Permanent

    - Work Language: English

    - Hours: 30 hours per week

    Salary: $87.45 hourly

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